15 March, 2013

Lesson #04 - Buying from Gmarket Kr

Ever thought of buying from here but not sure how?
Let us teach you! Its actually pretty simple!

05 March, 2013

Chia Seeds - The "It" Food Of 2013

Have you been buying slimming pills recently but only to receive disappointment for not having results? or are you fretting over whether to eat that "gross and fishy but definitely good for you" Omega-3 fish oils? Known as the "It" food of 2013 , this ancient seed provides more goodness to your body than it seems. It's not only easy to incorporate into our daily diet , it does not even taste awful! Definitely a plus point for the"it"food of 2013! So, having it been called the "it" food of 2013, lets see what's so great about this small, little seeds.

1. Chia Seeds are gluten free

2. It is super high in dietary fibre- this means that you will be fuller and aids in digestion

3. It contains 20% Omega 3 ALA, (Chia has 8 times more Omega 3 than salmon!)- 
(Definitely a good substitute for vegetarian and people lyk me who hate taking smelly fish oils.)

4. It boasts 20% protein- a complete protein with all 8 essential amino acids

5.It is high in antioxidants (It has a 4 times higher ORAC value than blueberries)-
(Yay! to anti-aging!)

6.Chia Seeds contains 5 times more calcium than milk

7.Chia Seeds contains 7 times more vitamin C than oranges

8.Chia Seeds contains 3 times more iron than spinach

9. It contains twice the potassium content of banana

10. It has a positive impact balancing blood glucose levels -
By balancing your blood sugar, you not only lower your risk for type 2 diabetes, but you also ensure steady, constant energy throughout your day! But how does the Chia Seed help with this? Both the gelling action of the seed, and it’s unique combination of soluble and insoluble fiber combine to slow down your body’s conversion of starches into sugars.

11. In case you didn't know, having the above vitamins and minerals promises you to have a healthy skin ,hair and nails

Chia seeds not only helps to lose weight, lower the risk of diabetes, but also helps to give you flawless skin and hair! It is certainly a must-have !! So why not get yourself a packet of Chia seeds today? And soon you will be on your way to looking fabulous ! 

As it is a high-fibre food, please do remember to take in lots of water to prevent indigestion.

Nutritionists recommend that 15g/0.53oz (one tablespoon) of chia is consumed each day.You should only eat a small amount as consuming it in large quantities can cause stomach upset.

You add in almost everything from your salads ,soups , muffins, to puddings or just add it in your water bottle and drink it. Just lyk how I do it \(^ ^)/

Get it from any organic shop or if I am not wrong I remember seeing Guardian selling them.


Soooo, watcha waiting for?
 Go get a packet of Chia Seeds today!! O(≧▽≦) 

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